Regardless of whether your low carbon heating system was installed by Reheat or another company, we provide a range of services and high quality, sustainable fuel options designed to ease the burden of owning and managing a biomass boiler with dedicated in-house heat supply expertise.
We provide biomass boiler and network efficiency assessments and optimisation services.
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We can provide a variety of services and advice as part of our low carbon heat supply expertise.
Reheat provides fully managed heat supply contracts. Our team will monitor your use, find you the best prices and make sure your store is topped up. We only ever supply from sustainable sources, favouring domestic fuel. If your fuel is supplied from overseas, we will provide advice how it could be better managed and locally sourced.
As Reheat was founded in forestry, we can advise you on how to produce sustainable wood fuel from your own resources. We can also advise on forestry best practice and regulation, so you can be sure you’re sourcing your fuel correctly. Our heat supply team can also keep you up to date with the fuel supply market, and where prices may increase or decrease. We can advise you on the best low carbon energy options as a result.
We have worked with many clients who qualify for the RHI. We can integrate our heat supply service with RHI monitoring to ensure clients that can still access the scheme are fully supported. Please note the RHI is closed - contact us to see if you still qualify.